In the beginning...
World Voices Project began as a creative piece about language, sound and the beauty of voices. It became a project about the human family speaking as one.So far, over sixty languages are represented here reading the articles of the Declaration. You can listen by Language or by Article. Almost all of the audio files are posted on this site. However, the Declaration consists of a Preamble and I've posted only a few of those sixty-odd files. Those will be part of the larger physical installation. * The people who generously volunteered their voices did so giving permission to World Voices Project. Therefore, please do not use any of the tracks for commercial purposes and contact me if you'd like to present the installation yourself. It is meant to be heard and I encourage this. (see Participate page)
بنی آدم اعضای یک پیکرند که در آفرينش ز یک گوهرندچو عضوى به درد آورد روزگار دگر عضوها را نماند قرارتو کز محنت دیگران بی غمی نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی |
Human beings are members of a whole, In creation of one essence and soul.If one member is afflicted with pain, Other members uneasy will remain.If you have no sympathy for human pain, The name of human you cannot retain. |
Saadi of Shiraz (1195-1226) |
Hamid Kermunshah reading the Saadi poem in Persian