
World Voices Project

World Voices Project Is A Mosaic of Recordings of people reading the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights in their native language. Currently 60 Languages can be heard on this web site.
The mission of World Voices Project is to inspire people throughout the world to stand up for one another. The short video to the left reflects my desire to reach young people; to encourage them to grow up embracing people's differences instead of fearing them, to appreciate other cultures and other ways of life which will hopefully lead to respecting our mutual rights.

The Project

World Voices Project began as a creative piece about language,

The Languages

Search the languages here to hear the articles

The Preamble

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Press Coverage

Press Coverage is available to anyone who would like to know about the news and updates

Previous Voices Work

Ten languages talking about favorite memories, voices making rhythm

Special Thanks

Thanks to all of you who have lent your voices to this project

About World Voices Project

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